Sunday 25 November 2012

Advertisment using Logos

This image is a clear example of logos. Logos means that it uses actual facts and information. This advertisment uses a statistic that supports their idea that smoking can kill you. Below the hand it says that over 106,000 people die in UK a year due to smoking. That is an actual fact.

Advertisment using Pathos

I believe this is a very good example of Pathos. Pathos means appeal to emotions or how you want your audience to feel. In this ad you can see how the person is telling you that an accident was caused by a drunk driver and that he killed an innocent little child. This appeals to emotion because it makes you feel either guilty, sad or furious. You feel sad for the little girl, angry with the dirver, but also guilty because maybe you have drove drunk. This is the purpose of pathos. Make you feel something they want you to feel.

Advertisment using Ethos

I think this is a great example of ethos. Ethos means appeal to authority. Here it shows how this company of batteries is using a famous and authoritarial figure in order for people to buy the product they are offering. This figure is Michael Jordan. One of the most famous legends of basketball. Companies use authority such as him in order to convince people that their product is worth buying due to the fact that a celebrity is using it.