Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Tao of Movies and the Tao of Quotes

Here are three examples of movies that symbolize the Tao.

  1. The King's Speech 
  2. The Muppets
  3. Quote found in google images

The King's Speech has this connection to the Tao:
- Non-action (Geroge VIII practices excerises to improve his speaking skills and inconsiously he gives an amazing pre-war speech to his empire with very few signs that he studders when he speaks. 

The Muppets has these connections to the Tao:
-Non-action (The Muppets are trying to regain their theater where they used to perfom when they were together. They can't regain it because of one dollar, but they incounciously gain their fame back and most importantly their gain unity again, and become one big company once more.)

-Teaching of Nature (Though the teaching of nature in this film isn't directly shown, we can still deduce it. We can compare the Muppets to water, the bad guys trying to keep them from regaining their theater back as the rock, and their loss but their gaining of fame and unity as the way around the rock or another path the water can take.) 

The Quote has this connection to the Tao:
-The mysteries of the universe (The quote talks about how a boy is taught that happiness is the key to life and in school he is asked what he wants to be when he grow up and says that he wants to be happy. The teacher or that someone, tells him that he didn't understand the assignment, but the boy then answers that  he/she doesn't understand life. Happiness is a mysterious part of the universe that can't be taught nor learned from as an academic class would be. You can aquire happiness by doing what you love.) 

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Oxymoron and Paradox Images

This image represents oxymoron because it means its a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms. This image clearly shows a smoking "container" that is used to dispose your cigarrette after you finish it. But this one has a badge or stamp that says not to dispose your cigarrettes there. A clear example of oxymoron because the usage of the obejct contradicts what the symbol of the stamp says.

This image is of an elephant. It is a clear example of paradox because if you look at the legs of the elephant it seems it has more than four legs and some are not in a logical position which makes this impossible in real life. Why is this paradox? Well paradox means an argument that produces an incosistently, typically within logic or common sense. This image shows how this creates an optical ilusion or that incosistency.

The third image shows paradox in its purest form because two hands are growing out of a paper and they are drawing each other out. Again this creates the inconsistency. This is definietly not possible in real life or logic because no human hands will grow out of a piece of paper and they will not draw each other out and then suddenly pop out of the paper.