Monday 27 August 2012

HMWK Ishmael questions

1) What does Quinn imply about the takers?
Quinn implies that the takers are the civilized people. The people who take opportunities.

2) How has the relationship between Ishmael and the protagonist changed?
The relationship between the protagonist has changed. Its was first a relationship between people and goliath or a monster. The new owner had a relationship with Ishmael in a different way. He told him that he was not Goliath and he treated him as "human". The relationship was also teacher student.

3) Make three inferences about the leavers:
3.1) The leavers are those who are primitive or uncivilized.
3.2) Leavers are people who don't take the opportunities in life. They leave them.
3.3) Leavers are people that really don't have a purpose in life. They are here to do no change or impact in society.

4) Define "mother culture":
Mother culture is the society, the customs, traditions, etc., that have shaped who you are and what you believe in. It demonstrates where you come from.

5) Do you agree with Ishmael?

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