Sunday 2 September 2012

Epic of Gilgamesh Reading Blog Tablets I-III

During the reading of the first three tablets I saw on page six that in ancient times they used temple prostitutes. I remember that two years ago that I read a book in spanish called Que la Muerte Espere by an author called German Castro Caycedo which pointed out that people this days worship Satan. During certain types of rituals they still used temple prostitutes. What are they used for? What is their meaning? Other things I noticed during this first tablets was that like Goliath in the Bible, Enkidu and Gilgamesh were considered very strong and powerful since they were very tall. The last thing I noticed was that Gilgamesh and Enkidu after they wrestled, they kissed and took each other by hands. I could infer two things: first they were attracted to each other which was something very normal during ancient times to have lovers or companions from the same sex; and second people in ancient times to say hello kissed even though they were from the sex. 

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