Sunday 2 September 2012

Epic of Gilgamesh Tablets VI-VII

During this tablets I connected two events with other civilizations. When Gilgamesh is offered to have sexual relations with the goddess Ishtar, I can see this was a common thing between in other religions, not only in the Greek. I can recall that in the Greek mythology Zeus and the Olympians used to seduce mortals and then made love. I also connected Ishtar with the goddess Hera because both of them are always looking for a way to make the life of a human miserable if they don't like them. Gilgamesh didn't want to give his body away to the goddess, she got very mad and immediately had a meeting with the other gods to destroy Gilgamesh. The other event I connected was that this people in Mesopotamia also believed in the underworld, and that there was a god in the underworld, like the Greeks and Romans did.

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