Wednesday 17 October 2012

Persepolis Blog Response

After reading the chapter called Persepolis and more specifically page 28 where the author explains how the Shah spent all his money on stupid festivities I remebered about a film based on the various emperors of Rome. To be more presice it made me remember about the emperor Nero which rulled Rome from 54 B.C. to 68 B.C., and was the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He was very similar to the Shah because he spent all Rome's money in very expensive building projects for himself and bankrupted the empire. Because he was crazy he did all kinds of insane things such as killing his wife and marrying a man. At the end he killed himself. On page 32 when the main character didn't undestrand why her parents were laughing about death and cancer she after a while laughed too just to try to fit in, made me remember about me. I am like that too. One day some of my friends made a joke and they all laughed, but I didn't understood it and after a while a laughed and they looked at me very awkardly. I felt kind of dum. Just my crazy self.

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