Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Veil Response

After reading the first page of The Veil when Marjane said that the girls at school did not like to wear the veil, I really understood them. I would really be angry and confused if all of a sudden I would have to wear mandatory a veil for school. Though I never been forced to wear such thing, I still have been forced to wear things I really didn't like. In the marriage of my cousin I was forced to wear a dress because I had to be ring bear. On page 4 when the narrator says that woman and men were sepparated  into different schools it reminded me of the childhood of my mother. When she was young she had to go to a school that was only for girls. She felt in heaven when she entered college because she could finally share moments with men. On page 6 when the main character said she wanted to become a prophet I remembered my childhood years. I wanted to become a hero like Batman and sneak out of my house at night and fight thiefs, and wrongdoers. I also wanted to become a scientist and find cures for all the diseases in the world that didn't have an actual cure. Just chilhood.....

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